Contact Us

David Llewellyn, director and practice principal at Priory Heritage Ltd has been significantly involved in the repair and conservation of many Churches and other Historic Buildings since 1987. Mr. Llewellyn is RICS Conservation Accredited and approved under the inspection of Churches measure for Quinquennial inspections in Ely, St Albans and Peterborough Diocese. Alongside his private practice responsibilities David Llewellyn is a member of the St Albans Diocesan Advisory committee and for many years provided advice to Historic England (East Midlands region) as a permanent consultant for their grant and conservation projects.

David Llewellyn has considerable and broad experience of many types of Heritage led projects. Conservation + Significance reports, Traditionally detailed extensions and refurbishments, Property inspection and conservation advice for Lime mortars and all traditional building materials such as Stone, Thatch, Oak, Lead, Copper, clay, cob, clay lump.

Contact Information


The Old ClayWorks
Top End Little Staughton
MK44 2BX


(01234) 376866 – Bedford office
(01767) 631293 – Cambridge office
(07849) 740365 – mobile


Priory Heritage Ltd are registered as a limited company in England &Wales under company number: 07284343

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